Vitality converts household, construction and agricultural waste into a safe and sustainable soil amendment, diverting waste from landfills.
The Vitality project was initiated as part of an educational model to explore how existing soils from excavation sites could be amended to make a nutrient rich topsoil and aid in efficient remediation of construction sites. Since then, Vitality has developed into a novel system which converts household, construction and agricultural waste into a safe and sustainable soil amendment, diverting waste from landfills. The resulting product provides not only nutrients, but a medium rich in microbial life, creating a superior soil environment for crops, lawns and gardens.
Vitality’s proprietary granulation and pellet production technology is fully compatible with existing large-scale agricultural equipment, allowing for it to be easily implemented in commercial farming operations.
Soil hosts a quarter of the planet’s biodiversity and provides about 95 per cent of our food. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has estimated that the world has less than 60 years worth of topsoil left if current land-use trends continue*.
Methods and Materials:
Material Collection
Vitality provides sites for arborists, landscapers and farmers to dispose of their organic waste without expensive tipping fees. Composted cattle manure, straw, grass, woodchips, gypsum, humalite, and clay are the main components of the Vitality system.
Customised Aerobic Composting
Materials collected are processed naturally in large rows of mixed organic waste that require minimal stewardship to decompose. The system allows for optimal oxygen and moisture retention to remain as a result of the calculated ratios of the raw materials.
Novel Granulation and Pellet Production Technology
Using existing granulation technology, combined with aggregate and oil field equipment, the modular design allows for the production of products both at Vitality’s own processing plants and on-site for the agricultural consumer. This creates a unique micro-processing model, reducing the potential inefficiencies in the delivery of raw resources to a single facility .
Vitality’s production system is fully compatible with existing agricultural machinery, allowing for efficient distribution and ease of use for the consumer.
Testing and Monitoring
Ongoing batch testing and ratio adjustments ensure the best quality product and compliance with existing government regulations and requirements.
*Report from the FAO, 2020